Forum Rules

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Site Admin
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Joined: Thu Jan 01, 1970 3:00 am

Forum Rules

by Admin » Thu Jan 21, 2010 10:37 am

Forum Rules:

***If you have nothing nice to say then go somewhere else. Breaking this rule will result in an immediate ban.

1 - Discussion of illegal drugs should be kept within academic or newsworthy limits only. "How to" discussions and "I'm so stoned" posts may result in repercussions ranging from a warning to immediate and permanent banning, depending on previous history, context of post and nature/content of post.

2 - NO SPAM. If you've got nothing to contribute but a link to something you're pimping, please find another board. Members who register and immediately start posting spam links will be banned. Existing members will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.

3 - No porn or nudity. (See also rule #8.)

4 - Don't be a jerk to other people or try to stir up stuff. Debates are fine, but argue with the point, not the person. Flamey threads will be closed; flamey people may meet Mr. Banstick. Note that a person disagreeing with your opinion is NOT trolling; keep it civil, even if you're sure the other person is wrong.

7 - No excessive bumping. Some bumping is normal, but man, if a thread is dead, it's dead, man. Let it gooooooo....

8 - No NSFW stuff. NSFW ("Not Safe For Work") is defined as anything that most people would not want seen by their bosses, parents or teachers. I said "most people," not "your boss, mom or teacher."

9 - No swearing in topic lines of threads or in your User name. Swearing in posts are fine, just don't overdo it.

10 - If you're banned, don't argue it. Inquire if you're not sure why, we'll explain if you're unclear, but if/when you're told "this is how it is," don't sit and argue over it.

11 - If you're banned, you are not allowed to make or use any other accounts. All bans are by the person, not just by the account. Circumventing a temporary ban *will* make it permanent.

12 - Don't make the mod's jobs harder than they have to be. If you disagree with something we did as mods, fine, disagree and let us know, but do it politely. Don't go being a jerk about out. It just irks us and ticks you off (further) and that gets us both nowhere. To quote Marcus Cole, "You can get more with kind words and a two-by-four than just a two-by-four." On the same note, dancing around the rules, purposely skirting them just to see us twitch will not help you out much, either.

13 - No posting on behalf of someone who's banned. That'll probably get you banned, too. The idea of being banned is that they're no longer a part of this online forum community and are no longer allowed to interact here. (Note: Contacting the mods, for information or an address for banned parties to write to is perfectly fine.)

14 - No making threads that give glory to banned people. It's not a violation to mention them in passing but no threads that focus on them. ("Ah, TrollDuJour, I miss him so!" "or Hey, it's TrollduJour's birthday!") They're banned; don't give them that attention. See rule #15.

15 - You're not half as clever as you think you are, so don't be cutesy and try to dance around the rules and sit and split hairs just to show how smart and edgy and political you are. If you want a revolution, this ain't the place to be finding it.

16 - No troll/flame smurfing. Gimmick or humor smurfing is okay, but evil smurfing (ban circumvention, flaming someone "anonymously") is a one-way ticket to troubleville (and probably a ban).

17 - Don't double post. It is annoying, and serves no purpose. If you have an after-thought simply click 'EDIT' on your previous post, and type "EDIT:" then write what you forgot to say. Excessive double-posting to increase your post count will get you in trouble.

18 - Posting for no other reason than to increase your count will only irritate the moderators. Completely off-topic posts, such as "I like pie" or "this one time..." that are totally unconnected to the thread will be deleted by the moderators. Threads will often naturally go off-topic, but please don't purposely do it. Before you post in a thread ask yourself "Is what I am about to post going to contribute to the discussion in any way? Is what I am about to post cohert and legible?" If you can answer yes to both these questions then by all means post away. If you answer no to one or both, then please don't post.

19 - No debates continue outside of the Debates forum. If the forum starts any hatred which bleeds into the other forums, then the individuals involved shall be dealt with accordingly.

20. Racist signatures, avatars, or posts of any kind (unless of course the posts are dealing with the wrong-ness of racism, i.e. stop racism day, etc.) will result in an immediate ban. No questions asked. This goes for anything regarding white supremacy, KKK, Nazis, and the like.

21. If you have a problem with moderators or any other forum members please PM Verbal or one of the moderators and your complaint will be dealt with accordingly. Flaming the individual(s) you have a problem with will only make you look bad and may result in your ban.

22. Don't post in the Rules section. If you have a suggestion about a new rule or a problem with something then email Verbal at or PM one of the mods.

23. Any existing members found to be acting against these rules towards new members, or acting against these rules towards members not following them will be punished too, starting at a week's ban, and working up depending on the severity of the situation.

24. No multiple accounts. You are allowed one and only one account.

Finally, use your best common sense. This is a long list of rules, but they're here for a reason. The basic jist of it is "No nudity/porn, porn, no drug threads, nothing illegal, no NSFW, and be nice." Realize that your opinions & experiences do not supercede/negate all others and respect your fellow posters. That's what this all boils down to, after all.

Be good, be smart, and have fun.
this and that...
